We're excited to announce that you can now choose to make your projects and profile publicly visible, making them much easier to share! *cue cheering*
Project visibility options
You might have noticed that there's a new little box at the top of each project page, indicating its visibility status:

At the bottom of the project form (when you edit or add a project) the last field you'll see now is "Who can view this project?" You can choose from:
- Only me
- Textillia members
- Everyone (public)
"Only me" can be useful if you're working on a gift or a swap project that you don't want the recipient to see until they've received it, or really any other projects that you just want to keep private. Just don't forget to set it to "Textillia members" or "Everyone" once you mark it as finished, otherwise nobody else will get to see it!
"Textillia members" is the default we've been using up until now, which means that everyone who's a member can see it once they're logged in.
"Everyone (public)" means that someone who doesn't even have a Textillia account can see it when given the link to the page - so for example, if you share a project you've finished to Facebook, your friends can all see it without needing to log in! When you choose this, it also enables the "Share" links on the page for Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter (they appear below the grey sidebar box on desktop, or at the very bottom of the screen on mobile).