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This cute baby pink 100% wool is finely woven in a herringbone weave that is extraordinarily classy. A soft pink weft and natural warp yarn team up to add an element of subtlety and outstanding quality for this scarcely-seen shade of heritage wool. It's soft, elegant and warm, and has a firm but drapable handle. A stunning fabric that's perfect for anyone who just loves pink!

Sewing room projects that you can get your teeth into with this fine fabric are endless – some ideas might include a neat pencil skirt and matching jacket, a smart dress or cute pinafore (big girls or little girls), tunics, or a lovely, subtle waistcoat. It's perfect for little girls' clothing.

Try teaming this wool with our Caramel Sandy Beige with another wonderful herringbone wool in a chocolatey tone for a delicious Neapolitan ice-cream palette. These wools combined would make delightful cushions, blinds and curtains. Imagine a girl's bedroom furnished with this spectacular colour scheme!


Weight: Medium

Composition: 100% wool

Width: 152.5cm/60inch

Herringbone repeat: 18mm

Due to naturally occurring wool bi-products in the yarn of Fab Baby Pink, we find when washed on an advised wool cycle this fabric takes a softer and fuller appearance and benefits from the washing process. Please allow a little extra for shrinkage (natural to wool) then you can cut with confidence!