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From NamasteEmbroidery:

She's finally here! Stitch the cutest hedgehog ever while practicing satin stitch and thread painting. She's holding a sweet little bouquet of flowers but feel free to replace the flowers with whatever: a bouquet of succulents, a heart with lover's initials. a giant monogram, anything! 

This pattern includes access to over 90 minutes of video. Watch me stitch the hedgehog, step by step, and follow along at home. Please leave questions in the video comments and I will respond by comment or video when appropriate. Find the link to the videos in the downloaded Word document. 

The three (3) page pattern includes:
- Stitch key
- Suggested DMC embroidery floss colors
- Full color close up photo of the stitched pattern, showing before and after blending
- PDF design sized for a 5 inch hoop ready to print

The five (5) page beginner guide includes:
- A supplies list with suggested products based off of my experience
- Helpful tips and tricks
- Diagrams of stitches