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From Suzy Quilts:

Ahoy, ye landlubbers, scallywags and sailors! Find yer sea legs or walk the plank! This free Ahoy Sailor quilt pattern will have ye strap'n on yer boots and set'n sail! Arrrrr!

With only one quilt block to master, you will be feeling as confident as 'ol Cap'n ​Jack Sparrow himself. One quilt block, a few stripes, and Ta-da! There ain't nutt'n to it!

If you're trying to figure out how to read this non-English nonsense, just pretend you're a pirate who sometimes slips into a Southern draaaawl – that pretty much covers all of my accents.

Wait! No no, I take that back. I can do a meeeean 'liza Dooli'le (that's supposed to be 'Eliza Doolittle,' from My Fair Lady, but I was giving you a taste of how good my Bri'ish flower​ gull accent really is.)

But, ya know, now that I put it all together, Eliza Doolittle, pirates and Southern damsels all kinda sound the same when I emulate the accent...or are somehow a hybrid of the three...hmmm...Shiver me timbers!

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