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These three charmers will really put you in the mood for holiday stitching - anytime! There’s a generous bear, handsome moose and a classic Christmas sentiment. 

Stitch them tiny for ornaments or BIG for a pillow or banner - the choice is yours! Also see #042 Tiny Tidings II, #062 Tiny Tidings III & #076 Tiny Tidings IV. 

Fabric: 32 count vintage linen (Wichelt #65-9)
Stitch Count: 51W x 51H
Fibers: DMC/Anchor, Rainbow Gallery Wisper W88 & Gold Rush WG20, Kreinik blending filament #032 & very fine #4 gold braid
Embellishments: tiny gold stars from Homespun Elegance
Hang-Up frames: East Side Mouldings